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Holy Moly!

Christina Ritchie LUXOR Light

I love where life has taken me and how I stumbled upon ChristinA and LUXOR Light during my Cert IV Studies to become a Bowen Therapist. When I received my first healing from ChristinA it was like "Holy Moly what the heck is this?" Then I received ongoing healings during my IVF journey as I struggled to deal with the fact that I didn't fell pregnant and then again when I experienced an ectopic pregnancy. Every time I received a healing it got easier to let go and surrender. Eventually I started to activate and had a massive out of body experience. I think that was the time I knew I had to learn eventually more. It still took another year and many meditation sessions until I did the leap of faith and joined a LUXOR Light Healing Practitioner training. From then on it was an amazing sometimes rocky journey that I would not have missed and would not want to give up for any money in the world!

This is my LUXOR Light Healing Practitioner page. Please check it out and see what else you can find! I hope you will enjoy reading more about my journey!…/la…/Martina%20Manners


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