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It All Makes Sense

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A bit lost in Space

Thank you for the healing/intuitive reading.  
The feeling you picked up on while doing the distant healing makes sense to me, it is how I feel right now, a bit lost in space, like there's so much there, but I'm just floating around, not moving.  

The urge to meditate has surfaced in the last day or two as well, so I will follow through on the intuitive direction you received for me on that.  I believe I got ill because I allowed myself to succumb to the demands and pressures of others and you picked up on that too.  Once I got sick, the pressure lifted as I just wasn't able to meet their expectations, so yes as you picked up, I need to set some boundaries.  

Again, you saw that I did also need some stop time, as I tend to live life in the fast lane, like you mentioned.  My business is flowing well but there is an energetic push to share and teach what life has taught me.  That tends to be the point at which I freeze,so that's what you saw in one image.  I'm not much of a talker, let alone in front of a group of people.  I've had a request to do a talk about what I do, but I have no idea where to start and the thought scares me.  

I had a reading recently and the message is the same as what you picked up, it's time to teach.  Perhaps the fear is the reason for the disconnect that you were picking up on in the healing/intuitive reading.  

I appreciate the insights and will take them onboard and make some changes so I can move forward again.

Thank You
Kris C.

Intuitive Readings

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Distant  Visionary Healing with Intuitive Guidance

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