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Experience of Lifetime in Luxor

Horemheb temple at geb el silsila
Geb el SilSila LUXOR Light Group

Experience of a Lifetime in Luxor

It is very hard to put into words this beautiful experience I have just had visiting Egypt and the Hidden City Luxor.
Who would have thought that this precious Spiritual Retreat was there?

Luxor Light Retreat Centre......A Place to find self!...the statement says it all.   

Two weeks ago I had the most precious gift in my lifetime (well in this lifetime at least)
It took me 3 times to decide that I was actually to go, leave my family and take this trip independently.  
And there it is....
After a long flight but fantastic airline Qatar,which was recommended I arrived in the early hours only to be collected by the Beautiful Christina Ritchie and her driver....Perfect.
On arrival we stopped to have coffee and a chit chat before we had a short trip to the LUXOR LIGHT RETREAT....

Literally the walk up to enter the retreat you could feel the energy and the instant connection, it was just such a beautiful feeling and I was instantly at home....
The building and its beautiful outside surprises are just too much for is something that will never be forgotten, very tranquil and good for the soul.
To have two hours of complete silence to find yourself, to meditate and to be at one....I will recommend this for anyone.

The staff at the retreat are at very high quality and are very respectful for everyone's individuality.  The catering is amazing, the meals created were  never the same and the abundance and quality is just outstanding. The staff take great care in their work and it clearly shows in their appearance and the appearance and cleanliness of the retreat in all areas, everything is there and nothing is missed, the retreat is just exceptional.

Dahabieh on the Nile

As for the River Cruise on the Nile....well this is a lifetime experience for all......4 days and 3 nights on a Dahabieh!!! and all the sensational gifts that go with this amazing cruise will blow any one away!!!....words cannot really describe this experience....
Christina has the knowledge and the availability to take you to places no one can ever get too...
The crew on the boat and her trusted guides are very loyal, caring and you are treated like royalty...
It was breath taking, the scenery and all attributes that went with the cruise and the special sites we visited were just precious...

Never have I experience or had such a beautiful was so personal and perfect at the same will be a life changing experience for anyone, it has been for me....
Obviously I haven't described this in great detail as it is up to you to visit and experience for yourself...for me it was very special and I hope you can get something from this...
Christina Ritchie is a beautiful soul and her connection with this beautiful place, Egypt and Luxor will always make everyone's trip a truly magnificent one...

Thank You Christina for all you do.....
Love and Blessings


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